I love travel - all travel! For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to travel and experience new places and new things. From traveling across the country while in high school to traveling across the world in college, my dreams of visiting new destinations just seemed to grow with every year. My bucket list of destinations is never ending and for every one I cross off, about ten more have been added!

My love of Disney has been on a similar growth path! As a young child, one of my earliest memories is a Mickey Mouse bank that my parents had given me. I loved that bank and carried it around like a toy. Watching Mickey Mouse or anything Disney on TV was a really big deal and we couldn't wait for a new movie to come out on VHS. Yes, I said VHS so I think I just aged myself in one simple sentence!

Having the opportunity to share my passion for travel and my love of Disney to helping other people plan their magical vacations has allowed me to find a career that I am passionate about. I love helping my guests plan a vacation that is exactly what they want to experience.

I look forward to sharing our adventures with you and I hope when you are ready to start planning your next vacation, you will give me the opportunity to be part of the planning!

Juanita lives in North Carolina with her husband and two daughters. After a twenty-year career, she began her own travel business and found a new career that fed her passion! As a homeschool mom and travel agent, their lives are full of activities and adventures!

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